Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to be Team Both: Shooting Scars Book Review

I give it 

First Line:  "You wanted me to catch you, didn't you?" Javier's voice cut into my thoughts like a drill.

This was a high octane ride on a motorcycle while doing heroin...

Not that I've ever driven a motorcycle or. . .did heroin, but dude....

This book rocked!!!

There were times when I was just like. . .


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The book is told in two P.O.V.'s through Ellie and Camden's views. 

I've read book one as well as the pre-quel:

Book Two

Meanwhile, I've become hard-core card-carrying Team Members!

I'm Team Javier


Team Camden

So after reading this book, what team am I on????

I mean the whole novel, I literally loved both men!

I'm confused. First I hate Javier, then I'm mad at Camden, then I'm pissed at Javier, then I'm.....just so so so confused. . . 

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Even now. . .I still don't know.

There will be a BOOK THREE people! Yes!

Okay so as to not give away anything. . .by 25% of the book I said, "Fuck it! I'm Team Both!!!" 

Can you even be Team Both?

Hell yes!!


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And what is wrong with Team Both, anyway?

I had no idea what Ellie was even going to do. . .

I will say that I was hoping for a little. . .


I mean would it be so wrong for Camden to put down his gun, Javier put down his guns (and tell all of his men to stand down), and they just get to some Hot, Passionate hot man love happening??


You'll have to read the novel to see what Ellie decides because if I further analyze Ellie's situation with Javier and Camden, there will be some major spoilers happening.

Regardless, this book rocked!

It was unpredictable,
heart pumping action,
hot sex scenes (although I wish there were more),
and just a great sequel to Sins and Needles!

I'm telling you. When you read this book, email me and tell me what Team you're on!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Magic Rises Release Day Giveaway!


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Finally, Kate and Curran have come to my home to spend some time with me!

This is a series where I drop EVERY DAMN THING IN MY LIFE, buy the new book in the series, and devour it, immediately!

I'll probably finish the book in a day! It's that serious!

I just knock that Mofo OUT!

happy gif photo: Happy Together Gif 1 gif.gif

But here at Fantasy Floozies, we like to share Amazeball Experiences!!

So this week we'll hold a giveaway of TWO Magic Rises novels (Winners choice Print or ebook)


(that's right)

Here at Fantasy Floozies, Two is always Hotter than One.

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Enter the giveaway! 
NOTE: The choice of Print books are only for US winners only. HOWEVER, International winners can have the ebook.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Erotic Romance Inspiration through Hip Hop.

Advance Reader Copies are available, Request it HERE

I love all types of music, but when people see me on a day to day basis they're thinking. . .

"Hey that's that weird, hippy chick with the flip flops and shirts with crude sayings on the front." 

"Isn't she like the only person in Miami that screams out Thom Yorke lyrics in the drop-off line of her kids' elementary school?"

thom yorke gif photo: no suprises thom yorke nosurprises.gif

"Does she even know she's black?"

I do.

Kind of. . .

I spent my entire teens and and early twenties, spouting out rap lyrics that talked about how black women are hoes and sluts and blah blah! I love the classic stuff and even some of the few hip hop artists out today. But nowadays, I pretty much only listen to odd alternative craziness!

So one day I'm talking to D.T. Dyllin

Me: Dude, we have to write a book together!

D.T.: Sounds good. What should we do? I vote steam punk!

Me: Hmmm. Let's do some crazy dark, gritty futuristic world with like people flying and shit, and tons of androids all over the place.

D.T.: Uh. . .ooookaaayyy. I just want the female to be strong and alpha. And I want to have awesome clothes.

So as I'm chatting with her, this video comes on my tv called "Bag of Money" by Wale featuring Rick Ross, and a bunch of other guys I don't usually listen to.

Yet. . .the lyrics just hit me!

My bitch bad, looking like a bag of money.
My bitch bad, looking like a bag of money.
I go and get it, and I let her count it for me.
I do her good, and she always ride it for me.

Granted, this is not Yeats. lol! But in my mind I see this wicked female that no man can handle or tame, the type of women that D.T. wants to write on our project.

And so I listen some more.

She got me caught up in the moment

She bad, she bad bad bad.

D.T. and I start talking and talking. . . by that time, I'm constantly replaying this freaking "Bag of Money" video on youtube.

Days pass.

We're emailing suggestions back and forth.

I can't remember who says it, but I think D.T. says, "Let's do a futuristic Bonnie and Clyde!"

And I say, "let's have the hero with an artificial eye."

And I'm still playing the video over and over and over. . . 

Finally, it is my turn to start the book's first chapter. I'm nervous, yet I play the song. . .the first scene comes to me immediately...

I see a strip club, in the future. . .and my hero getting ready to rob it., and the whole time that video played in the background.


My dick pressed against my pants—hard, long, and ready—
but it wasn't the nude girls dancing around me with luscious
curves and jeweled skin that incited the erection. It was
the hit—the guns my brothers and I wielded in our hands
charged with siphons, the electronic currency stuffed in
the pockets of drooling men who copped a touch of the
dancers when the bouncers weren't looking, and of course,
it was the rush of the quake I’d just snorted.

Heart-pounding music drummed in my ears. The song
had a heavy bass and an omnichord melody. Something
similar to the music I played before my criminal activities
shift ed from a past-time thing to a full-time necessity, prior
to Mom’s death, and well before Dad’s mental demise. Our
parents birthed ten kids. My brothers and I were the oldest.
When Mom and Dad died, we became parents overnight.

Shitty parents.

“Epic, are you okay?” Toy nudged my shoulder. . .

Friday, July 26, 2013

Cover Reveal: Going Home Again by Abby Cavenaugh

Author: Abby Cavenaugh
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Pub Date: 8/27/13
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Formats: Available for Kindle and Nook


In high school, it was doubtful Michael Day knew Alyssa Jones existed. 

Twenty years later, when the now-famous pop star returns home to coastal North Carolina, Alyssa gets a second chance to make a first impression on Michael. 

On sabbatical from his failing marriage, Michael agrees to an interview with Alyssa, a journalist for the local tourist magazine. 

When the chemistry between them ignites, Alyssa and Michael are hit with the harsh reality that he isn't yet free to love her. 

With Michael's wife and son still very much in the picture, can Alyssa hold out until he ends his marriage for good? Or will she risk it all for a second chance with the one who got away?

Contact Links

Twitter                                 Facebook
Publisher Website              Goodreads

Monday, July 22, 2013

Book of the Month Chat: The Opportunist, by Tarryn Fisher

This is our monthly book of the month chat, which Kenya and I (Alicia) do with D.T. Dyllin (also known as Dara) and Megan D. Martin. For the month of June, Dara decided that we should read The Opportunist, by Tarryn Fisher. Enjoy! And try not to think less of us afterward.

by Tarryn Fisher

Olivia Kaspen is a sharp tongued manipulator used to always getting what she wants. With just one exception-Caleb Drake, the one she foolishly let slip away. After a chance encounter brings Caleb back into her life, Olivia finds herself wanting a second chance with her first love, and asking herself how far she is willing to go to get him back. Her only problem is a red head named Leah, Caleb's new love. Olivia must fight for what was once hers, and in the process discover that sometimes love falls short of redemption.

Dara: Okay are we ready to chat about the BOTM or what??

Kenya: :-)

Alicia: Yep. You get to lead the discussion!

Kenya: *sigh

Dara: Alright, you guys asked for it. Buahahaha!

Kenya: I was going to masturbate to Bukkake but I guess I can do this.

Megan: Wait I'm trying to get in to my kindle quotes. I marked ones I liked.

Alicia: Oh, I have no quotes. I like the part where it ended.

Kenya: I think I found a few in the sludge of trash!!

Dara: I'll start out by letting everyone know that June's Book of the Month was my pick and it was The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher.

Kenya: VaginaPunk writers are always focused on our craft.

Megan: Where do you go for that.... I don't even remember how to access them.

Alicia: Shush, Kenya. Grown folks are talking.

Dara: Focus people!!! Grrr!

Alicia: Well, grown folks and Dara.

Kenya: Yes, ma'm.

Megan: Okay okay sorrrry.

Dara: Sooo...anywho... What did you guys think about Olivia & Caleb?

Alicia: They both sucked as people.

Megan: They were both fucked up. I loved them.

Alicia: They were manipulative when all they needed to do was be honest.

Dara: LOL! I think their flaws are what made the story so interesting.

Alicia: And their backstories didn't support their behavior.

Megan: Yes honesty would have saved them years of heartache.

Alicia: Which is why I couldn't sympathize.

Kenya: At first I was intrigued by Olivia. Granted she was so utterly depressing but I was okay with it, until the dreaded flashbacks began. :-(

Dara: What about their back stories did you find to not support the story, Alicia?

Alicia: So Olivia had a tough time with a cheating drunk father. Understandably it would be difficult for her to get close to men after that. However, this doesn't explain all of her manipulations and lies. I just didn't feel like the backstory was fleshed out enough to make her complete and total bitchiness sympathetic.

Dara: I think Olivia's past does explain her behavior. Here's why...

Alicia: She wasn't protecting herself. She was manipulating to get what she wanted, because her needs came above everything else.

Dara: We all agree she had Daddy issues... and well she was her own worst enemy.

Alicia: Yes, agreed.

Dara: She didn't want to want Caleb, so she pushed him away.

Alicia: Yeah, and that part I get.

Dara: But then she wanted him so she did whatever she could to get him back. Lie, cheat etc...

Megan: She definitely didn't want to want him, but she didn’t want to share him.

Kenya: If there were no flashbacks I would have probably liked the story so much more.

Alicia: ‘Cause she was a lying, manipulative, selfish bi-yatch.

Dara: I don't sympathize with her. I don't like her, but I understand her character. There's a difference.

Kenya: :-o @ Alicia

Alicia: We're not talking about the awful flashbacks yet, Kenya! Stay on point!

Kenya: Fine.

Megan: She did try to be honest...but he wouldn't let her because he was also lying...which didn't bother me.

Alicia: Oh please. She never tried! And he never tried! They just told themselves they did.

Megan: I liked the dynamic that he had been lying all along. I really didn't expect it.

Kenya: I'm more impressed with the fact that Dara can read books with fucked up heroines, hate them, and continue reading. I have to like her.
I thought it made him lamer, Megan.

Dara: I like fucked up characters because they're realistic.

Alicia: By the end of the book, I didn't care about either of them.
What?! Realistic?

Dara: I'm tired of authors always writing characters that everyone will like.

Megan: When the book ended, I felt like a crack addict. I needed to know more.

Dara: Make me want to read the story and I will regardless of the characters.

Alicia: Realistic? Are you kidding me? Nice, sympathetic people are realistic too. That's a lame excuse!

Megan: Yes, I liked that they were so unlikable. I didn't want to like them, but I couldn't help it.

Dara: Yes, sympathetic people are realistic, but I get tired of reading about them all the time. :p

Alicia: So much romance now is like a contest for the Whose Protagonist Can Be the Biggest Ass award. And Olivia and Caleb are both in the running for this prize. I get tired of reading about manipulative jerks.

Dara: @ Alicia Buahahaha!

Alicia: Who are these people? And why don't they get punched in the face more often? (not that I condone punching people in the face)

Megan: LOL

Dara: Okay...lets talk about the flashbacks to make Kenya happy.

Kenya: lol

Dara: I personally liked the flashbacks.


Alicia: Oh gods.

Megan: Lord.

Kenya: So yeah. One flashback is cool.

Alicia: Decide where your story starts, and start it there. If half of your book is flashbacks, maybe you are telling the wrong story.

Kenya: But I didn't enjoy following how they got together, and all the other crap that came with it.

Dara: Well how do you feel about punching people in the face now, Alicia? *thinks of Kenya*

Alicia: If you want to tell the backstory, then make that your book.

Kenya: Yes @Alicia

Megan: I liked the flashbacks as well. It became clear that flashbacks are very much her writing style.

Kenya: It should have started at the beginning. *is no longer Megan's friend.

Megan: I felt like they flowed well with the way the story played out. *wahhhh

Alicia: So we're just going excuse this ADHD because it's her "writing style"?

Dara: I agree with Megan. I loved this book.

Kenya: Urine flows. That doesn't mean it is great entertainment

Megan: Yes, the next book is even better you guys… seriously

Alicia: You know what? I am going to put two adverbs in each sentence of my next book. And all of you will love it, because maybe it's my gods-damned writing style!
Lmao@ Kenya & urine

Dara: Maybe I would love it Alicia. Buahahah!

Megan: Urine can be entertaining

Kenya: lol

Alicia: Oh gods.

Dara: Why don't you try it and see? :p

Kenya: :-o

Alicia: You're hopeless. Why do I even try? *hangs head*

Megan: LOL

Dara: I really don't know. Lol! Anywho... Okay thoughts on Leah?

Megan: I dislike her.

Alicia: Leah was the only semi-reasonable character in the book. She was manipulative too, but logically so. She was explainable.

Megan: But she is definitely a complex character.

Dara: I just wanted to smash Leah's face in. Just sayin'.

Alicia: She's practically engaged to this dude, who one day wakes up and doesn't remember her, so she acts possessive and bitchy. I get that. I felt sorry for her. But I liked her as a character.

Dara: Leah knew he was in love with someone else from the get go.

Alicia: Where the heck is Kenya?

Kenya: I had to pee. Wtf?

Megan: Yes, under those pretenses, I agree. But after reading Dirty Red, I don't.
See urine is fun!

Dara: She's having a VaginaPunk rally somewhere.

Alicia: See, this is how interesting this book is to Kenya.

Megan: LOL @ Dara

Kenya: lmao

Alicia: We're not talking about Dirty Red right now. That’s a different book. x-(

Kenya: Leah was the only redeemable character!

Alicia: Exactly. Thank you, Kenya.

Dara: Leah was pathetic.

Megan: Sometimes you just have to know when to let go. Leah is an idiot who couldn't figure that out.

Alicia: Woah! What did you just say?!

Dara: Exactly, Megan!

Kenya: Reading this was like participating in a bukkake scene. It's supposed to be sexy, but in the end, loads of sperm clings to your face.

Alicia: I mean, ‘cause yeah, Olivia and Caleb totally knew when to let go. Smdh.
Oh my God, Kenya.

Kenya: (That metaphor seemed relevant at the time.)

Megan: They were meant to be together. It was letting go in a different sense. Leah was hanging on to something she never had to begin with.

Dara: But they loved each other... Leah loved Caleb, but he loved Olivia. Let it go girl.

Megan: LOL Kenya!!!! hahaha

Dara: Again... I agree with Megan.

Alicia: 'Cause love conquers all? (Imagine sarcasm dripping from this question.)

Megan: I agree, Dara!

Dara: Yes, actually love does concur all. :p

Megan: In most should! This is romance!

Alicia: You know what conquers all? When both people are not manipulative jerks.

Megan: LOL

Alicia: The only sense in which these two people were meant to be with each other is to stop them from ruining anyone else's life.

Dara: See they're both manipulative jerks. They fit together perfectly. :D

Alicia: They should both go away on an island and hide from the rest of the world.

Megan: Hahaha! I would go away with Caleb any day. As long as Olivia wasn't invited.

Alicia: Only they'd tell so many lies and hate each other, so they'd end up on opposite sides of the island...and the world would be better for it.

Dara: As long as they go to that island together then I'll be happy. ;)

Kenya: :-/

Megan: LOL @ Alicia

Dara: Oh Megan, don't turn into Leah 2.0. lol

Alicia: Okay. *breathes deeply* Woo-sah. I’m calm now.

Megan: bahahaha

Dara: Any additional thoughts or points before you all give ratings?

Kenya: Nope. Not besides…

Alicia: I don't want to get worked up again.

Kenya: Vagina punk.

Alicia: Oh gods. You are so fired from the next chat.

Megan: This book made me feel like an addict. Can't wait for Thief to come out.

Alicia: An addict? You mean, as in, you needed to be cured?

Dara: I'm going to bitch slap the vagina punk out of Kenya. You heard it here first folks. ;)

Megan: As in I needed MORE, Alicia... MORE!

Alicia: I feel sorry for you.

Dara: I can't wait for book three!

Alicia: Rehab is waiting.

Megan: LOL

Dara: I won't go to rehab, no, no, no...Say it with me, Megan!

Megan: No no no!

Kenya: lol

Alicia: I have to pee. Can we give ratings already?

Kenya: Party pooper.

Alicia: Well you already peed. So shush.

Dara: Yeeeesss... Ratings please.

Alicia: 1.5 stars. It got an extra 0.5 for an ending I could appreciate. Otherwise it would have been only 1 star.

Kenya: 1 star. She gets it for writing the book and having the determination to complete it.

Megan: I would give this book more than 5 stars if I could.

Dara: If I rated books publicly, I would give it 5+ stars.

Kenya: I would slap you if I could @Megan. Clearly you both are sickos!!

Megan: Hahahahaha please do @ Kenya.

Megan: Dara and I have good taste. That's all.

Alicia: I just lost all respect for you two, M & D.
Wait, wait. No I didn't. It's the same respect as it was before. :P

Megan: LOL

Dara: Well it goes to show how one book can get such different reactions from people.

Megan: Lol thanks, Alicia. Yes. Definitely, Dara!

Alicia: Okay, time for peeing. I'm out!

Dara: Alright have fun! Buahaha!

Megan: LOL! Bye, ladies!

Dara: Bye!

Kenya: :-)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Review: All Our Yesterdays, by Cristin Terrill (5 stars)

by Cristin Terrill
Publication: September 3, 2013
Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars

Imprisoned in the heart of a secret military base, Em has nothing except the voice of the boy in the cell next door and the list of instructions she finds taped inside the drain.

Only Em can complete the final instruction. She’s tried everything to prevent the creation of a time machine that will tear the world apart. She holds the proof: a list she has never seen before, written in her own hand. Each failed attempt in the past has led her to the same terrible present–imprisoned and tortured by a sadistic man called the doctor while war rages outside.

Marina has loved her best friend, James, since they were children. A gorgeous, introverted science prodigy from one of America’s most famous families, James finally seems to be seeing Marina in a new way, too. But on one disastrous night, James’s life crumbles, and with it, Marina’s hopes for their future. Marina will protect James no matter what, even if it means opening her eyes to a truth so terrible that she may not survive it… at least, not as the girl she once was. Em and Marina are in a race against time and each other, and only one of them can win.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

When the story opens, we find the main character, Em, held captive in a cell, staring at a drain. This may sound dull, but I found the tension to be wonderfully done. As captive, held in a dark room, Em found something to obsess about. It was dark and psychological, and I was immediately hooked. Then she finds a message that a prior version of herself left for her, saying she has to kill him.

Em goes back in time to do as the note says. I figured out pretty much right away who Em goes back in time to kill, but that's fine. I don't think it was meant to be a big secret. I was still invested in the story and in watching it unravel.

You won't find any Mary Sues here. Em was conflicted every step of the way. She was a good person, on a mission to do a bad thing. I found her struggle with her task to be both believable and compelling.

This book had just the right amount of romance—enough that I could latch onto it and root for it, but not so much that I got frustrated with the emphasis on romance as opposed to important, world-saving tasks. I found Em's love interest, Finn, to be likable in both his past and future selves. He was loyal and considerate, but tough enough to give Em a kick in the pants when she needed it.

I will admit though: On a couple occasions, I referred to Finn in my head as "cool Peeta." He has some similarities to Peeta from The Hunger Games, but I liked Finn better. Finn and Peeta are both blond, and both play sidekick to their love interests. But Finn was plenty kick-ass on his own, hence the "cool" label even though I found myself comparing him to a character in a different book.

I think it's a given with a serious time travel story that there will be paradoxes. All Our Yesterdays does a solid job of laying the groundwork with respect to how paradoxes are handled. And this groundwork starts early in the story, which adds some credibility to the resolution of paradoxes after the book's conclusion. I appreciate that.

An excellent book. One of my favorite reads of 2013! I'll be looking for more work by Cristin Terrill.

My thanks to Disney Hyperion for the free review copy.