by Tarryn Fisher
Olivia Kaspen is a sharp tongued manipulator used to always getting what she wants. With just one exception-Caleb Drake, the one she foolishly let slip away. After a chance encounter brings Caleb back into her life, Olivia finds herself wanting a second chance with her first love, and asking herself how far she is willing to go to get him back. Her only problem is a red head named Leah, Caleb's new love. Olivia must fight for what was once hers, and in the process discover that sometimes love falls short of redemption.
Dara: Okay are we ready to chat about the BOTM or what??
Kenya: :-)
Alicia: Yep. You get to lead the discussion!
Kenya: *sigh
Dara: Alright, you guys asked for it. Buahahaha!
Kenya: I was going to masturbate to Bukkake but I guess I can do this.
Megan: Wait I'm trying to get in to my kindle quotes. I marked ones I liked.
Alicia: Oh, I have no quotes. I like the part where it ended.
Kenya: I think I found a few in the sludge of trash!!
Dara: I'll start out by letting everyone know that June's Book of the Month was my pick and it was The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher.
Kenya: VaginaPunk writers are always focused on our craft.
Megan: Where do you go for that.... I don't even remember how to access them.
Alicia: Shush, Kenya. Grown folks are talking.
Dara: Focus people!!! Grrr!
Alicia: Well, grown folks and Dara.
Kenya: Yes, ma'm.
Megan: Okay okay sorrrry.
Dara: Sooo...anywho... What did you guys think about Olivia & Caleb?
Alicia: They both sucked as people.
Megan: They were both fucked up. I loved them.
Alicia: They were manipulative when all they needed to do was be honest.
Dara: LOL! I think their flaws are what made the story so interesting.

Alicia: And their backstories didn't support their behavior.
Megan: Yes honesty would have saved them years of heartache.
Alicia: Which is why I couldn't sympathize.
Kenya: At first I was intrigued by Olivia. Granted she was so utterly depressing but I was okay with it, until the dreaded flashbacks began. :-(
Dara: What about their back stories did you find to not support the story, Alicia?
Alicia: So Olivia had a tough time with a cheating drunk father. Understandably it would be difficult for her to get close to men after that. However, this doesn't explain all of her manipulations and lies. I just didn't feel like the backstory was fleshed out enough to make her complete and total bitchiness sympathetic.
Dara: I think Olivia's past does explain her behavior. Here's why...
Alicia: She wasn't protecting herself. She was manipulating to get what she wanted, because her needs came above everything else.
Dara: We all agree she had Daddy issues... and well she was her own worst enemy.
Alicia: Yes, agreed.
Dara: She didn't want to want Caleb, so she pushed him away.
Alicia: Yeah, and that part I get.
Dara: But then she wanted him so she did whatever she could to get him back. Lie, cheat etc...
Megan: She definitely didn't want to want him, but she didn’t want to share him.
Kenya: If there were no flashbacks I would have probably liked the story so much more.
Alicia: ‘Cause she was a lying, manipulative, selfish bi-yatch.
Dara: I don't sympathize with her. I don't like her, but I understand her character. There's a difference.
Kenya: :-o @ Alicia
Alicia: We're not talking about the awful flashbacks yet, Kenya! Stay on point!
Kenya: Fine.
Megan: She did try to be honest...but he wouldn't let her because he was also lying...which didn't bother me.
Alicia: Oh please. She never tried! And he never tried! They just told themselves they did.
Megan: I liked the dynamic that he had been lying all along. I really didn't expect it.
Kenya: I'm more impressed with the fact that Dara can read books with fucked up heroines, hate them, and continue reading. I have to like her.
I thought it made him lamer, Megan.
Dara: I like fucked up characters because they're realistic.
Alicia: By the end of the book, I didn't care about either of them.
What?! Realistic?
Dara: I'm tired of authors always writing characters that everyone will like.
Megan: When the book ended, I felt like a crack addict. I needed to know more.
Dara: Make me want to read the story and I will regardless of the characters.
Alicia: Realistic? Are you kidding me? Nice, sympathetic people are realistic too. That's a lame excuse!
Megan: Yes, I liked that they were so unlikable. I didn't want to like them, but I couldn't help it.
Dara: Yes, sympathetic people are realistic, but I get tired of reading about them all the time. :p
Alicia: So much romance now is like a contest for the Whose Protagonist Can Be the Biggest Ass award. And Olivia and Caleb are both in the running for this prize. I get tired of reading about manipulative jerks.

Dara: @ Alicia Buahahaha!
Alicia: Who are these people? And why don't they get punched in the face more often? (not that I condone punching people in the face)
Megan: LOL
Dara: Okay...lets talk about the flashbacks to make Kenya happy.
Kenya: lol
Dara: I personally liked the flashbacks.
Alicia: Oh gods.
Megan: Lord.
Kenya: So yeah. One flashback is cool.
Alicia: Decide where your story starts, and start it there. If half of your book is flashbacks, maybe you are telling the wrong story.
Kenya: But I didn't enjoy following how they got together, and all the other crap that came with it.
Dara: Well how do you feel about punching people in the face now, Alicia? *thinks of Kenya*
Alicia: If you want to tell the backstory, then make that your book.
Kenya: Yes @Alicia
Megan: I liked the flashbacks as well. It became clear that flashbacks are very much her writing style.
Kenya: It should have started at the beginning. *is no longer Megan's friend.
Megan: I felt like they flowed well with the way the story played out. *wahhhh
Alicia: So we're just going excuse this ADHD because it's her "writing style"?
Dara: I agree with Megan. I loved this book.
Kenya: Urine flows. That doesn't mean it is great entertainment
Megan: Yes, the next book is even better you guys… seriously
Alicia: You know what? I am going to put two adverbs in each sentence of my next book. And all of you will love it, because maybe it's my gods-damned writing style!
Lmao@ Kenya & urine
Dara: Maybe I would love it Alicia. Buahahah!
Megan: Urine can be entertaining
Kenya: lol
Alicia: Oh gods.
Dara: Why don't you try it and see? :p
Kenya: :-o
Alicia: You're hopeless. Why do I even try? *hangs head*
Megan: LOL
Dara: I really don't know. Lol! Anywho... Okay thoughts on Leah?
Megan: I dislike her.
Alicia: Leah was the only semi-reasonable character in the book. She was manipulative too, but logically so. She was explainable.
Megan: But she is definitely a complex character.
Dara: I just wanted to smash Leah's face in. Just sayin'.
Alicia: She's practically engaged to this dude, who one day wakes up and doesn't remember her, so she acts possessive and bitchy. I get that. I felt sorry for her. But I liked her as a character.
Dara: Leah knew he was in love with someone else from the get go.
Alicia: Where the heck is Kenya?
Kenya: I had to pee. Wtf?
Megan: Yes, under those pretenses, I agree. But after reading Dirty Red, I don't.
See urine is fun!
Dara: She's having a VaginaPunk rally somewhere.
Alicia: See, this is how interesting this book is to Kenya.
Megan: LOL @ Dara
Kenya: lmao
Alicia: We're not talking about Dirty Red right now. That’s a different book. x-(
Kenya: Leah was the only redeemable character!
Alicia: Exactly. Thank you, Kenya.
Dara: Leah was pathetic.
Megan: Sometimes you just have to know when to let go. Leah is an idiot who couldn't figure that out.
Alicia: Woah! What did you just say?!
Dara: Exactly, Megan!
Kenya: Reading this was like participating in a bukkake scene. It's supposed to be sexy, but in the end, loads of sperm clings to your face.

Alicia: I mean, ‘cause yeah, Olivia and Caleb totally knew when to let go. Smdh.
Oh my God, Kenya.
Kenya: (That metaphor seemed relevant at the time.)
Megan: They were meant to be together. It was letting go in a different sense. Leah was hanging on to something she never had to begin with.
Dara: But they loved each other... Leah loved Caleb, but he loved Olivia. Let it go girl.
Megan: LOL Kenya!!!! hahaha
Dara: Again... I agree with Megan.
Alicia: 'Cause love conquers all? (Imagine sarcasm dripping from this question.)
Megan: I agree, Dara!
Dara: Yes, actually love does concur all. :p
Megan: In most should! This is romance!
Alicia: You know what conquers all? When both people are not manipulative jerks.
Megan: LOL
Alicia: The only sense in which these two people were meant to be with each other is to stop them from ruining anyone else's life.
Dara: See they're both manipulative jerks. They fit together perfectly. :D
Alicia: They should both go away on an island and hide from the rest of the world.

Megan: Hahaha! I would go away with Caleb any day. As long as Olivia wasn't invited.
Alicia: Only they'd tell so many lies and hate each other, so they'd end up on opposite sides of the island...and the world would be better for it.
Dara: As long as they go to that island together then I'll be happy. ;)
Kenya: :-/
Megan: LOL @ Alicia
Dara: Oh Megan, don't turn into Leah 2.0. lol
Alicia: Okay. *breathes deeply* Woo-sah. I’m calm now.
Megan: bahahaha
Dara: Any additional thoughts or points before you all give ratings?
Kenya: Nope. Not besides…
Alicia: I don't want to get worked up again.
Kenya: Vagina punk.
Alicia: Oh gods. You are so fired from the next chat.
Megan: This book made me feel like an addict. Can't wait for Thief to come out.
Alicia: An addict? You mean, as in, you needed to be cured?
Dara: I'm going to bitch slap the vagina punk out of Kenya. You heard it here first folks. ;)
Megan: As in I needed MORE, Alicia... MORE!
Alicia: I feel sorry for you.
Dara: I can't wait for book three!
Alicia: Rehab is waiting.
Megan: LOL
Dara: I won't go to rehab, no, no, no...Say it with me, Megan!
Megan: No no no!
Kenya: lol
Alicia: I have to pee. Can we give ratings already?
Kenya: Party pooper.
Alicia: Well you already peed. So shush.
Dara: Yeeeesss... Ratings please.
Alicia: 1.5 stars. It got an extra 0.5 for an ending I could appreciate. Otherwise it would have been only 1 star.
Kenya: 1 star. She gets it for writing the book and having the determination to complete it.
Megan: I would give this book more than 5 stars if I could.
Dara: If I rated books publicly, I would give it 5+ stars.
Kenya: I would slap you if I could @Megan. Clearly you both are sickos!!
Megan: Hahahahaha please do @ Kenya.
Megan: Dara and I have good taste. That's all.
Alicia: I just lost all respect for you two, M & D.
Wait, wait. No I didn't. It's the same respect as it was before. :P
Megan: LOL
Dara: Well it goes to show how one book can get such different reactions from people.
Megan: Lol thanks, Alicia. Yes. Definitely, Dara!
Alicia: Okay, time for peeing. I'm out!
Dara: Alright have fun! Buahaha!
Megan: LOL! Bye, ladies!
Dara: Bye!
Kenya: :-)
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