This month is the Contemporary Erotic Romance DIRTY by Megan Hart
Book Summary:
This is what happened…
I met him at the candy store.
He turned and smiled at me and I was surprised enough to smile back. This was not a children’s candy store, mind you–this was the kind of place you went to buy expensive imported chocolate truffles for your boss’s wife because you felt guilty for having sex with him when you were both at a conference in Milwaukee.
Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Our Favorite Lines
"He didn’t approach me, made no move to touch me, not an awkward social half hug nor a handshake, and I found myself both grateful and disappointed." Is mine. I love how real Hart made her emotions.
I'm a fan of all the American Psycho references... not really a
favorite line... but yeah.... lol
"...his voice and laugh, the slow deep honey of it that made me want to lean against him and rub myself on him the way cats do,
Okay got one: On another man the comment would have come off smarmy, earned a roll of the eyes and an automatic addition to the "not with James Dean's prick" file.
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James Dean |
lmao@ james dean's prick file!!!
And now I'm going to Google James Dean because I don't know
what he looks like and he'd better be hot based on that line
omgh you don't? He is beautiful!
Really?? You don't know what James Dean looks like??
He's a-ight
What did we think about the HERO and HEROINE?
The Hero reminds me of my Hubs... super patient with a woman
with issues. LMAO
How's that for TMI for you Kenya?! hehe
Even though I figured out the heroine's story pretty early
on, I thought it was one of the more shocking heroine backstories I've come
I liked Dan A LOT. I thought he seemed like a good guy, but
I found that Elle drove me crazy about halfway through the book. She drove me
crazy. I was only able to forgive her craziness once I realized what was going
on with her past.
And yes, Dan was super patient. I liked him a lot. And he
had that great quirk about wanting to have sex in public--which made him avoid
being too much of a "good boy"
LOL @ Dara. @ Alicia, I found it to be one of the most
shocking as well. I think it had a lot to do with the way Hart presented it.
The way she described her feelings. It made it all very real.
I pretty much agree with you all.
I loved how the Heroine changed throughout the book.
Remember the room she kept painting
and how that room changed with her personality
Oh yeah, that was great how the room reflected what she was
yes. I'm stealing that for my books
I loved that too. Kudos to the author. Well done.
objects are going to change with my characters!
Thumbs up on that from me as well.
Any things we didn't like about the book?
Honestly, I got bored at about 20% in and had to make myself
finish the book. Hear me out before I get boo-ed...
I won't boo you. There were big blocks of telling and
summary toward the beginning.
Yes. There were major slow points throughout the book
especially during that 20%
"I thought of him here. I thought of him there. I
thought of him while I took a shit."
Stuff like: "I thought about him a lot over the next
couple weeks. I thought about him while..."
The writing was good, the concept good... but I wasn't
consumed like I prefer.
Yes, I agree with you Dara. It was the end that saved the
book for me. The last 25%.
(Dara is only consumed when the heroine is beating the crap
out of women and sleeping with all of their boyfriends while the bloody women
lay on the ground watching.)
Whatever Kenya! LMAO!
LOL then she should have loved the hero in Flirting with
Chaos ;)
In general, I tend to think that contemp romance has more
internal monologue than other genres I read--which frustrates me just about
every time I read contemp romance. But I didn't find it to be more so in this
book than in others.
But the summarizing weeks passing and that "thought of
him" stuff was too much telling.
There were times where I felt the author was keeping us at an arms length from the character. Where we were kind of detached
@ Megan... That seemed like it was done on purpose because the character keeps everyone at arms length. But then it also kept the reader detached and didn't serve the novel well over all.
awww good point @ Dara
(An angel dies every time Dara makes a good point)
(I'm just saying)
That's why they're dying left and right apparently. ;)
Wait, I didn't die. Are you sure? ;)
@ Alicia I like internal monologue and I'm not sure what it
was about this book that didn't suck me in.
I think Dirty is definitely not your typical contemp Erotic romance. It came off more literary.
Wtf does "literary" even mean. Not once while I
was reading did I think, "Oh this seems literary."
o that book was literary
i have created elements!
oh gods
1- can stand the test of time
2- story has a significant theme that tells the person something about being human
i forgot the other ones
Again, I see that in most contemp romance that I read
you've been reading the best ones dick head
while I trudge through the bad ones!!
and tell you not to read them
:-( (my life is hard)
Okay :P
Would you read more by this author?
I respected a lot about the book, so I think I'll like some
her other stuff.
I definitely would. I browsed her other books and she writes
some pretty dark erotic romances. That's my thing.
I don't know. Maybe. I wouldn't read another book about Dan
and Elle.
(there are more in their series right?)
There's a follow-up novella
I think that's it for these characters
@ Megan.. I agree I'm over those characters but I would read
other books by Hart. :)
What would you have changed about this book?
I would have taken out most of the dragging points. I'm an
action junky. I like things to move along.
Same for me @ Kenya. I would have added more action and excitement
to the plot line
I'd cut a lot of the summary nonsense. Can we say chapter
break and time shift?
I think the book was meant to be a character study. If
that's not your thing then you're going to crave more action.
Some people really enjoy character studies with little
good point @ Dara (and another angel falls from heaven)
So Megan and Kenya just don't "get it" then? Is
that what you're saying?
Wahhh can't there be both? @ Dara
I actually disagree.
A book can be a character study and still avoid dragging.
Kenya read all of Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear
despite their being slow, because they were engaging
this is true but I found it dragging a whole lot
I think there can be a balance with a book being a character
study and with action. I think the problem, like I previously stated, was the
distance between Elle and the reader.
I only read it to steal his writing style.
lol! go on time out Alicia!
Go ahead and make your point Alicia. :)
5 minutes in the corner. Keep it up, and no TV tonight.
Oh, I finished already. It wasn't all that significant.
I'm playing good cop. ;)
I am just observing lol
(When Dara plays good cop, portions of heaven whither away.)
Thank you, Dara. I'm taking you off my isht list for the
rest of the week.
@ Alicia are you pouting? ;)
@ Kenya... that part might be true. :p
Last question: How many stars do we give the book?
I don't like to rate other author's book publicly. I know, I
suck. :p
That's cool. (I knew you'd say that.)
you suck Dara!
LOL. I think I enjoyed your discussion more than I have interest in the book. There just seems to be so many similar books out there. Can't see a compelling reason to read it. But I'll be back next time to read your discussion. :)